Synergy Yoga
...connecting energy to movement to breath...
Introducing a new service ~ Sand Medicine Paintings
I am now offering a new service of “Sand Medicine Paintings”. Sand medicine paintings don’t really have anything to do with sand, but rather are a shamanic tool of taking an intention and working with items, usually in nature, to create a painting. Sand medicine paintings are a conversation with spirit to create shifts around a situation to initiate the release of energies to begin the healing process, to remove blockages that are preventing forward movement, and/or to gain clarity of current experiences and challenges.
Each sand medicine painting, along with the messages and image/images, will be a unique work of art, reflecting the energy shifts and healing for the individual. Your sand medicine painting might look similar to one of these examples shown below :
The cost for this service is $150. This includes a shamanic journey to assess what wound or situation is needing to be healed; creating a one-of-a-kind sand medicine painting that reflects moving from the current state of being into the healed aspect; and then, using photos from the process, the final result will be a piece of wall art that should be displayed in a place where it can be easily viewed to allow the energetic shifts to continue working with you long term to bring about a change within the situation/condition/experience.
If interested, please contact me at: